My quest? To reattach an orphaned SharePoint site to an Office 365 group after the original group had gone to the great Recycle Bin in the sky.
Enter this little trick that feels like finding a cheat code All you need to do is add a special string to your orphaned site’s URL. Here’s the secret formula:
Yep, that’s it. Add this to the end of your orphaned SharePoint site URL, hit Enter, and voilà !
A wizard appears—not the pointy-hat kind, but a modern UI wizard ready to save the day.
Lessons Learned
SharePoint has its quirks, but it also has some surprisingly graceful recovery options.
Always check before deleting Office 365 groups—there might be an innocent SharePoint site tethered to it.
And most importantly: bookmark this URL tweak. You never know when you’ll need to rescue another orphaned site.